Becoming a Member
FTMA membership is open to all companies involved in the frame and truss industry in New Zealand.
The FTMA currently represents a group of 64 fabricators and more than 20 associated members who are leading the way forward in our prefabricated timber framing industry. We continue to work tirelessly to ensure prefabricated timber wall frames and roof trusses remain the preferred choice for building in New Zealand. We are also in regular communication with our members around legislative changes. The vast majority of our members are small operators, with anywhere from 5 to 20 staff, and are not always in a position to investigate and understand the implications of legislative changes on their businesses. Our access to Government via our membership of BIF allows us to hear about changes to regulations at their earliest stages. |
Benefits of membership
Legislative changes are often hugely complex and open to different interpretations. Regular communication with its members around these changes is one of the key roles of the FTMA. |
Category Types
Corporate Member (Category A)
Is a company or legal entity with financial responsibility for supplying primary design or components for the manufacture of wall frames and/or roof trusses. Corporate Member (Category B) Is a company or legal entity with financial responsibility for supplying associated components for the manufacture of wall frames and/or roof trusses. Corporate Member (Category C) Is a company or legal entity with financial responsibility for the administration or promotion of wall frames and/or roof trusses to the building industry, the approver, the designer or the consumer. Corporate Member (Category D) Is a company or legal entity with financial responsibility for holding the status of a Certified Fabricator and who may supply and/or manufacture wall frames and/or roof trusses. Industry Associate Member Is any person with an interest in the promotion, design, supply of components, manufacture, administration, use or quality assurance of the wall frame and/or roof truss sector of the industry. Miscellaneous Member Is an individual who may work in fabrication, design or installation of frames and roof trusses, and includes but is not limited to supervisors, detailers, Licensed Building Practitioners, carpenters, and other persons with interest in the sector and as the Executive may from time to time approve. |
All members must agree to abide by the rules of the FTMA NZ Inc. The FTMA NZ Inc reserves the right to decline or refuse any membership application, alter any membership category, or withdraw the current membership status of any member at the sole discretion of the FTMA Board of Directors.
If you would like to discuss the many benefits or any aspect of membership, please contact our Member Services Executive, Ian McGregor by email or phone 027 495 6182. |
About Industry Associate Members
The growth and development of the timber framing industry and the FTMA has been assisted by the active support of our industry associate members. We are grateful for their continued support and acknowledge their contribution to our industry.
Their financial support facilitates the following:
The growth and development of the timber framing industry and the FTMA has been assisted by the active support of our industry associate members. We are grateful for their continued support and acknowledge their contribution to our industry.
Their financial support facilitates the following:
- Our representation on key industry issues
- Our involvement in standards committees and regulatory controls
- Our voice on training organisations
- Our support of framing advocacy issues
- Our involvement in allied industry associations, including specifiers and certifiers, wood processors, builders' associations, the Building Officials Institute of NZ and BCAs